Abdoulaye Yérima Bakari, the Lamido of Maroua, formally denied rumors of a foiled attack plan in front of his palace. In a statement published on July 13, he described this information as “manipulation of public opinion for unavowed purposes, orchestrated by ill-intentioned individuals who are enemies of peace.”
In the face of these allegations, Lamido urged the population to remain vigilant and not to panic. He recalled that, although the war against Boko Haram has considerably weakened the sect, its fighters have not yet laid down their arms.
These rumors come a few days after an alert launched by the commander of the 4th military region, based in Maroua. According to SBBC, this senior military official had informed all military and security officials that intelligence indicated preparations for suicide attacks in the cities of the Far North region by infiltrated elements of Boko Haram.
Despite the efforts of the security forces and the reassuring statements of Lamido, the Far North region continues to face a persistent terrorist threat. Boko Haram continues to carry out deadly attacks, and the population lives in a climate of permanent uncertainty.
In this tense context, local authorities are calling on the population to be extra vigilant and to work closely with the security forces. It is crucial to report any suspicious movements or unusual activities to prevent any attempted attack.
The Lamido of Maroua, as a figure of peace and stability, insists on the need to remain united in the face of attempts at destabilization. His warning against rumors and manipulation underscores the importance of social cohesion and community resilience in the fight against terrorism.
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