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In a recent column entitled “Exemplary Republic: the President of the Republic should appoint at least 54 PCAs before July 12, 2024”, Cameroonian teacher-researcher and entrepreneur, Viviane Ondoua Biwole, analyzes the negative effects of the longevity of PCAs on the performance of public enterprises.

Excessive length of mandate

According to Viviane Ondoua Biwole’s analysis, the term of office of PCAs in Cameroonian public companies currently varies from 6 to 32 years. She points out that out of the 87 public companies and establishments (EEP) studied in 2024, 54 PCAs will be in an illegal situation after July 12, representing a non-compliance rate of 62%. This situation results from the 2017 laws on EEPs, which limit the terms of office of PCAs to 3 years, renewable once, or a maximum of 6 years, while general managers and their deputies can accumulate up to 9 years of mandate. Conversely, “for non-performing companies, this is the majority of cases, the managers degrade the value,” she notes.

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This problem is not new. In 2023, Viviane Ondoua Biwole had already written an article on the situation of the mandates of around fifty PCAs, highlighting the illegality of their continued office beyond July 12, 2023, in contradiction with the 2017 law. She then warned of the non-compliance with these legal provisions, compromising the fundamental principles of the rule of law and the exemplary Republic.

It is important to note that among the PCAs concerned, 21 have the rank of ministers (38.8%) and five are regional governors (9.2%). This concentration of power adds a political dimension to the issue of the governance of public enterprises.


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