It’s decided: you’re going to start running! This physical activity has more and more followers thanks to its many benefits for the body and mind. However, speed and endurance don’t develop overnight. That’s why we advise you to include PPG (general physical preparation) exercises in your sports routine!
Improve your cardiorespiratory functions, lose weight, refine your figure, relieve stress, sleep better… That’s all the advantages of running ! But before swallowing up the kilometers, a minimum of physical preparation is essential. After all, being a running pro cannot be improvised because you could quickly run out of breath… Hence the interest in trying the PPG. What exactly is it? General physical preparation includes a set of muscle strengthening exercises which allow you to improve your running performance and technique.
PPG: what are the benefits of general physical preparation?
During the warm-up, integrate PPG exercises can be a game changer for your running session. In addition to strengthening your muscles, General physical preparation improves your coordination but also your stride. In other words, the latter will be more dynamic and more economical, that is to say that you will spend less energy for a similar effort. As a result, you will develop better fatigue resistance (bye bye to the phenomenon of “body collapse” linked to exhaustion!) while limiting the risks of injuries. Finally, the racing sensations will only be better!
Running: 5 PPG exercises (general physical preparation to improve performance)
The sheathing (ventral, lateral, dorsal)
- Lie face down on the floor with your legs straight, on tiptoes and forearms. Your feet are positioned hip-width apart and your head is facing the floor.
- Contract your abs and raise your buttocks slightly to better engage the transverse muscle.
- Hold the position for 30 seconds.
- Lie on your back. Support yourself on your forearms so that your elbows are at shoulder height.
- Stand on your heels so that your body is straight.
- Contract your abs and hold this position for 30 seconds.
- Lie on your left side and support yourself on your left forearm and ankle. Align your head, torso and legs well.
- Contract your abdominal muscles while breathing deeply.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds then switch sides and repeat for another 30 seconds.
The front slit
- Stand with your legs hip-width apart, your back straight and your hands on your waist.
- Take a big step forward, inhale, then perform a leg bend on a vertical axis until you obtain a 90 ° angle at the front knee. Your back leg should be supported on the tip of the foot without touching the ground with the knee. Remember to contract your abs and keep your back straight.
- As you exhale, push through your leg to return to the starting position.
- Do this exercise in sets of 30 seconds with 30 seconds of rest.
The pumps
- Place your hands on the floor so that they are wider than shoulder-width apart. Keep your arms straight and your legs extended back, feet together.
- Keep your shoulders above your hands, keeping your body in a straight line. Be careful not to arch your back and keep your torso straight while looking between your hands to avoid injury. Also contract your buttocks, legs and abs to work all of these muscles.
- Once in position, inhale and aim to fall forward.
- When you reach the bottom, keep your forearms vertical and then push the ground back up.
- Exhale and return to the basic position.
- Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 push-ups.
The chair
- Stand with your back flat against a wall. Your feet should be hip-width apart.
- Bend your legs and lower your torso so that your thighs are parallel to the floor, as if you were going to sit on a chair. Keep your arms by your sides and keep your head straight.
- Do 4 sets of 30 seconds.
Walking on heels and toes
- Walk on tiptoe (placing only the front of the foot on the ground).
- Push through your calves to move upwards with each step.
- Walk for 1 minute.
- Then, walk on your heels, raising your toes for 1 minute.
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