Malika Ménard said “Yes” to Karim. On his Instagram account, the official makeup artist of Miss France, Arnaud Sol Dourdin, revealed the first photos of the former beauty queen’s wedding which is taking place this weekend in Tarifa, Spain.
A new life is opening up for Malika Ménard! The former Miss France is indeed having a special weekend since on Saturday July 13, she said “Yes” to a certain Karima 50-year-old Belgian-Moroccan businessman. It was on July 2, on her Instagram account that the former beauty queen announced her engagement: “You’ve known me for a few years now, I’m naturally discreet about my love life. For once, I wanted to share with you some important news: I’m engaged.“she commented under some photos showing her lover and his wedding ring. Wonderful news that comes at just the right time for the Miss, who is coming out of several very painful months following the disappearance of his father last August.
A fairytale wedding
On this festive and particularly important weekend, which was held in Tarifa, Spain, Malika Ménard was able to count on the presence of her former Miss friends, like Diane Leyre. Having just been rehoused, Iris Mittenaere was of course also there and wanted to send a tender message to the young bride: “We came to celebrate love, the marriage of our beloved Malika Ménard…” she posted on Instagram. And for those curious who would like to see some photos of the former beauty queen’s wedding, just go to the Instagram account of Arnaud Sol Dourdin, the official makeup artist of the Miss.
In the story, the makeup artist has indeed shared a few videos where we can first see Malika Ménard in a sublime wedding dress with a bustier, and wearing a long transparent and embroidered veil. Another video still shows the newlyweds in the middle ofa sumptuous decor, made of pearls and hanging white flowersand who seem to be addressing their audience under a radiant sun. A real fairy tale wedding, in the presence of her Miss friends, including Diane Leyre or even Iris Mittenaere.
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