The whole world is in awe of the lavish wedding of Anant Ambani, the youngest son of Mukesh Ambani, Asia’s richest man. The lavish ceremony reportedly cost a staggering $600 million, or over 360 billion CFA francs.
Preparations for the lavish soiree spanned 18 months and culminated in a huge celebration in Mumbai, India. Guests included a host of stars, including FIFA President Gianni Infantino, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, wrestling champion John Cena and social media icon Kim Kardashian, which generated considerable buzz online.
To top it all off, top artists Rema, Rihanna and Justin Bieber reportedly took to the stage, each receiving $5 million, $9 million and $10 million respectively for their performances. The pre-wedding festivities alone reportedly cost a staggering $300 million.
The wedding was a spectacle of luxury, with performances by world-renowned artists and an atmosphere dripping with opulence. Mukesh Ambani, the groom’s 66-year-old father, holds the title of Asia’s richest man and ranks 9th in the world, with a net worth of over $116 billion.
The 29-year-old groom Anant Ambani tied the knot with Radhika Merchant, the daughter of a pharmaceutical tycoon. The pre-wedding celebrations spanned multiple events and welcomed over 1,200 guests, including tech moguls Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, as well as Ivanka Trump, who added to the impressive guest list.
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