On Saturday, July 13, Anouchka Delon shared two photos of Alain Delon. These photos of the actor, taken while he was getting his hair cut, did not fail to reassure his fans.
He is one of the most iconic actors in French cinema. At 88, Alain Delon is helplessly watching his family break up. After having joined forces to keep Hiromi Rollin out of their father’s life, Anouchka, Alain-Fabien and Anthony Delon are now tearing each other apart. For several months, they have been multiplying attacks through the media and on social networks.
A few months ago, Anouchka decided to go to court and sue her brothers for “use, retention or disclosure of a document or recording obtained by an invasion of the privacy of another person’s private life”. According to information from Here isa new dispute even broke out in Douchy on May 30.
“Delon will always remain Delon”
Despite the very difficult ordeal she is going through, Anouchka Delon remains as close as ever to her father. On the occasion of Father’s Day, the actress sent him a touching message on her Instagram account. “Happy birthday my King. Your Queen”she wrote. On Saturday, July 13, Anouchka this time revealed rare photos of Alain Delon on social networks. In the first photo we can see the actor posing with his new haircut, then in the second we see him getting his beard trimmed.
Reassuring images which did not fail to delight his fans. “But it’s incredible to still have such a presence. Our Alain Delon is truly a handsome man.”, “Beauty and elegance, always”, “Cesar does not age! He matures… his hair does not whiten! it lights up”, “I completely agree with you Anouchka. This Great Man that the whole planet loves and respects, remains as he has always been: the most handsome, the greatest, the strongest”, “Good evening dear Anouchka, what a pleasure to share this photo of your Father… he is magnificent, serious… you are a beautiful good person… Andrée with all my admiration…”we could read in the comments. An actor who continues to fascinate.
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