The latest weather forecast predicts average rainfall for today. Check out the detailed weather forecast for the next six days.
Weather in Étampes today, Friday July 12
Today, at dawn, the thermometers will indicate 13°C at 6 a.m. (feels like 13°C), then 16°C at noon and 17°C in the evening.
Expect light rain in the morning, mostly overcast skies by midday, and light rain in the early evening.
Get out your umbrellas today, 6mm is expected throughout the day. The sun will rise today at 5:02 AM and set at 8:50 PM.
Weather tomorrow Saturday July 13 in Étampes
For tomorrow, expect generally light rain. Specifically, scattered clouds in the morning, light rain by midday, and light rain by early evening. Temperatures will be rising, above normal for this season, starting at 12°C in the early morning, then 19°C by lunchtime, and falling back to 20°C by early evening.
The day should end with a cumulative rainfall of around 2mm.
Wind-wise, prepare for speeds of 8km/h on average, and gusts of around 12km/h.
Weather in Étampes on Sunday
The weather forecast for the day after tomorrow predicts 13°C at dawn, followed by an increase to 20°C at midday, and finally 22°C around 6 p.m. According to the latest forecast, expect an overcast horizon for Sunday.
The day will be dry: no risk of rain is expected on Sunday.
Weather in Étampes on Monday
Temperatures for the following day: 16°C when waking up, 21°C at noon, and 18°C in the early evening, around 6 p.m. For Monday, expect light rain in Étampes.
Around 4mm over the whole day on Monday.
Anemometers will record wind values of 16km/h, and gusts of up to 19km/h are possible.
Weather in Étampes on Tuesday
Temperatures on Tuesday, July 16 are expected to be as follows: 15°C in the early morning, 21°C at noon and 21°C in the early evening, around 6 p.m. Expect light rain on Tuesday, in line with the latest forecast.
On Tuesday July 16 in Étampes, expect 1mm of rain.
Weather in Étampes on Wednesday
The latest on temperatures for Wednesday in Étampes: they will be higher than the day before. Expect 15°C in the morning, 24°C at midday and 24°C in the early evening. Expect a slightly cloudy horizon on Wednesday, in line with the latest forecasts.
At the moment, no precipitation is reported for the entire day in question.
As for wind, forecasts predict average speeds of 9km/h, with gusts that could reach 11km/h.
Weather in Étampes on Thursday
Temperatures forecast for Thursday, July 18 in Étampes will be rising. You can expect 18°C when you wake up, 27°C at noon, and 27°C in the evening, around 6 p.m. For Thursday, expect clear weather in Étampes.
No rain is expected for today at this time.
Regarding winds, averages should remain around 10km/h, while peaks could occur, potentially reaching 11km/h.
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