A presidential decree signed by HE Paul Biya recently announced the appointment of new officials at the University of Garoua. Voudwe Bakreo, previously Secretary General of the University of Ngaoundéré, has been appointed Vice-Rector in charge of cooperation, research and relations with the business world. At the same time, Mohamadou Nourou, former Secretary General of this institution, will now take up the position of Vice-Rector in charge of internal control and evaluation.
As part of these changes, Jules Assoumou, the former vice-rector in charge of internal control and evaluation, succeeds Mohamadou Nourou as secretary general of this young university institution. In addition, Voudwe Bakreo will give up his seat to Daouda Paré, formerly vice-dean at the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Human Sciences (FALSH) of the University of Ngaoundéré.
These appointments bring a breath of fresh air to the University of Garoua and highlight the importance of cooperation, research and relationships with the business world, as well as internal control and evaluation within the institution. These changes in leadership are likely to significantly shape the direction and initiatives of the university in the years to come.
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