During an interview with TV MagAnne-Claire Coudray returned to the election night of June 9. The presenter notably mentioned Rachida Dati’s attitude after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly.
A historic vote. “I therefore dissolve the National Assembly this evening.”declared Emmanuel Macron on Sunday, June 9, an hour after the announcement of the European election results. A decision that was unexpected to say the least, and which led to two weeks of crises and upheavals. In Les Républicains, Eric Cioti decided to break a taboo by allying himself with Jordan Bardella. Banned from his party, the leading lights of the right then tried to oust him. Meanwhile, the time for a great reconciliation has come on the left. After an agreement on single candidates and a common program, the New Popular Front was born.
But on Sunday, June 30, the RN wave swept over France. Jordan Bardella then said to himself: “ready for Matignon”. “I intend to be the prime minister of all French people”proclaimed the president of the National Rally. An unthinkable scenario for the left, which called for unity. On July 7, at the end of the second round of the legislative elections, it was finally the New Popular Front that came out on top, far ahead of the National Rally.
“I found it to be very substandard”
Asked by TV MagAnne-Claire Coudray returned to the election evening of June 9 and the announcement of the dissolution by the President of the Republic. “We had considered everything except this scenario. At 7:15 p.m., we were told that the president was going to speak without knowing why. The content will be announced in the earpiece two minutes before the speech.“she revealed.
On her set, Anne-Claire Coudray then received Rachida Dati. A tense exchange ensued between the Minister of Culture and the journalist. “I wouldn’t say our exchange was tense. I am here to question her, she is here to answer me. Each one is in her role. I found that she was far below what we were experiencing.“she added. That’s what is said.
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