
Brevet série Pro 2024: the correction of history-geography and moral and civic education

Second day of the written exams of the 2024 brevet, discover the corrections of the history-geography and moral and civic education (HG – EMC) test for the candidates of the pro series. After French and maths yesterday, this afternoon, the candidates continue with the Science test (from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.).

A classic subject with a study of documents in history, and a paragraph of the course in geography, but undoubtedly more complex to implement than the subject of the general series, because they call for more precise knowledge.

Corrected history –

HISTORY – Theme 1 – Europe, a major theatre of total wars (1914-1945)

Document 1 – Measures against the Jews.

Document 1 - Measures against Jews. 2024 professional series patent
Document 1 – Measures against Jews. 2024 professional series patent

Document 1

1) Copy and complete the table on your copy.

City of photography = PARIS

Characters = Children (young boys)

Date of document = November 1942

2) Present the political situation in France on this date.

At that time, and since 1940, France was occupied in the north and west by the Nazis. South of the demarcation line, it was the “free zone”, administered from Vichy by the regime of Marshal Pétain.

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3) Identify one element that demonstrates the specific treatment reserved for Jews in this city.

The sign on the park’s fence prohibits Jewish children from entering.

Document 2

4) Copy onto your copy and complete the sentences below using the information provided by the document.

The person who orders the operation of deporting the children is German non-commissioned officer Heinrichsohn.

The people who supervise the deportation of children are the French gendarmes.

5) Pick out at least two elements from the text to describe the reaction of the children who were victims of deportation.

The children were afraid and refused to leave (“they were struggling, screaming”)

Documents 1 and 2

6) Demonstrate, using documents, that the Vichy regime applied an anti-Semitic policy and collaborated with Nazi Germany.

To answer this question, we must use the documents…. However, document 1 shows the occupied zone, not the Vichy zone. The Vichy regime was anti-Semitic because the Jews were not treated like the rest of the population and they experienced deprivation and harassment (Jewish children could not play in public parks). It was also a regime that collaborated with the Nazis since the gendarmes participated in the internment and deportation operations.

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Geography Correction

1) In the form of a constructed development of around fifteen lines and based on one or more examples studied in class, describe the distribution of the population on French territory and the spatial mobility of this population. (14 points)

The paragraph should be constructed in two parts (distribution of the population and mobility, very geographical terms and concepts but complicated to solicit for professional students). A priori, candidates will limit themselves to metropolitan France. The vocabulary provided should help them but will encourage students to only talk about urban areas and not low-density spaces.

Landmarks / map:

correction to come

EMC Correction

1) Identify a passage from the text that illustrates Marie-Claude’s difficulties with digital technology.

Marie Claude has difficulties because she has “no internet, no computer, (she has) nothing.”

2) Indicate why Marie-Claude finds herself at an impasse with her administrative procedures.

She finds herself in a dead end because she does not have an email address that she is asked to provide for her administrative procedures.

Document 2

3) Name two intergenerational solidarity missions proposed in this Civic Service offer.

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Helping the elderly with their administrative procedures using IT tools and participating in the creation and running of events are two intergenerational solidarity missions.

4) Identify the value attached to this civic service mission.

It is fraternity. Here again the subject could have specified “value of the French Republic”.

Documents 1 and 2

5) What could a young person in Civic Service do to help Marie-Claude?

A young person could create a free email address for her so that she can carry out her administrative procedures.

6) You are a member of the Youth Municipal Council of your municipality. You would like to set up a workshop to help seniors master digital tools. Present the main points of your project and say in the name of which value(s) it seems important to you to organize this type of action.

As for the general series, a personal paragraph is expected in civic education but the theme is imposed here: mutual aid between generations, fraternity… not sure that the candidates will manage to request equality (access to digital material…)

The correction of the History and Geography exam for the 2024 brevet is also available for the general series

See also:

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